Pour prolonger le thème Folk du dernier Plumetis magazine –lisez « La grande saga du blue jean » par Les Petites Mains, c’est vraiment passionnant–, j’ai trouvé moult tutos de projets Do It Yourself à faire avec vos vieux jeans. Ne jetez rien, recyclez ! Ce ne sont pas les idées qui manquent ^-^ Et en interro surprise, vous me direz si le jean vient de Nîmes (denim) ou de Gênes (jean), hé hé hé –la réponse est dans le mag
Recycle your old jeans and give them a new life! The last story by Les Petites Mains about the history of jeans is unfortunately in French in the last Plumetis magazine (so sorry about that, I swear to do sthg in 2013) , so I give you the answer to the question I asked in French, in case you wouldn’t know yet: The first Levi’s jeans were made in toile de Gênes (Geona, Geanes, jeans, jean) and in the late years of the 19 century, in blue toile de Nîmes ou nim (denim) but still called jeans ^-^

2. Maak só denim-rose en -madeliefies – SARIE

2. Men’s jeans to dress – FRESHLY GIVEN

2. Easy Denim Tote with Floral Brooches – MARTHA STEWART

2. Denim Pillow – CUT OUT + KEEP
3. A Quilting Picturebook – FRUGAL VEGGIE MAMA

2. jeans opbergzakken: diy en shoppen – 101 WOONIDEEEN
3. Denim Do-It-All Bins – MAKE

2. In praise of denim bibs – KRISTENA DERRICK